Spiritual Fitness does not exist in a vacuum. It is closely related to the three other aspects of total fitness; Physical, Mental, and Social Fitness. High functioning Rangers will recognize and take steps to incorporate all four aspects into their daily lives. All four aspects are vital for holistic health and fitness. How are these aspects intertwined? If you are struggling physically, it can also manifest as mental, social or spiritual pain and vice versa. When we begin to struggle in one aspect, there is often bleed over causing issues in other aspects of total fitness.
What happens when we simply focus too much on one area and neglect others? We lose our sense of balance.
The finer details on the map (colors, lines, and symbols) function similarly to what we recognize as foundational values. The map allows you to see the big picture, understand the terrain, and plot a route. A map allows you to get an overview of the land so you can get a macro level view. The finer details on the map allow you to understand the terrain and look for landmarks to guide you and help identify NOGO terrain. Once you have created a mental map, you can then begin to plot your route. So how can this process be applied to life? By utilizing a spiritual fitness framework.
See the big picture. >> Hope and meaning
Understand the terrain. >> Know your value and identity
Plot a route. >> Purpose/mission
Not sure what’s best for you?
We can help!
Here is a self-assessment tool designed to measure your current status. Be honest and score yourself according to the chart at the bottom. It is a 100 point scale. If you find yourself struggling in one or more areas (<49%)– reach out. TRF has mentors and additional resources standing by to help you sort out and raise your status. You can see how the three main parts of this chart (personal faith, foundational values, and moral living) feed into your scores. This self-evaluation tool is fairly subjective. For instance, if you find yourself making bad moral decisions fairly often, (i.e. more than half the time) then you are in the red and need to seek some help to make better moral choices. This tool is yours. This is not linked to a database. No one is checking your score or second-guessing the score you give yourself. It is only as good as the work you put into it but it can help you identify places for improvement.
Again, spiritual fitness is not exactly like pushup improvement. If you want to get good at pushups, the answer to that is fairly simple–do pushups–a lot of them! If you want a higher level of spiritual fitness, it takes more thought, planning, and discipline.
TRF has direct points of contact for these programs. Please reach out to us at info@threerangersfoundation.org for a one-on-one introduction.