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TRF Marriage Retreat

  • Leesburg, Virginia (map)

1 Corinthians 13:4-7 Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It does not dishonor others, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres.

Surrender is not a Ranger Word! Neither is retreat. However, in the context of our marriages, sometimes we need to slow down and make some assessments and some azimuth adjustments in order to make the most of our marriages. In this context, a retreat is authorized and often necessary! So, TRF is hosting our first marriage retreat.

This retreat is the first of its kind hosted and fully funded by TRF. The only cost for participants is to cover your travel to and from the event. All lodging, food, retreat materials, and extracurricular activities will be covered by TRF. This initial event will be relatively small and is designed for married couples who are seeking some quality time together to intentionally connect and deepen their relationships. 

The topics covered during the retreat will be: Communication 101, Understanding and Expressing Love, Initiating Positive Change, Making Sex a Mutual Joy, and How to Share the Things That Bug You. Let's be honest, most of these topics cause issues in all our marriages from time to time. So, it is helpful to develop some strategies to address these issues before they become insurmountable obstacles. So, whether you are in a season of stability or just seeking growth and repair in particular areas of your marriage, this retreat will foster a greater understanding of each other and how to support flourishing as a couple. 

The venue has been donated by a former 1/75 Ranger and consists of several antebellum farmhouses and outbuildings in the rolling hills near Leesburg, VA. Every couple will have a private bedroom and bath. There will be five group sessions and some breakout opportunities including: a winery tour, hiking, canoeing/kayaking, horseback riding, an intentional date night with your spouse, etc. 

My wife Gaye and I are going to be the primary retreat facilitators. Our marriage is not perfect, but we have learned a bit about how to fight on (no pun intended) to the objective and complete the mission in the past 36+ years of marriage (22+ years of which was spent in the Regiment or other SOF units). Gaye and I are Christians, and we cannot help you without sharing some of what God has done for us in our marriage. We are not going to beat you over the head and shoulders with the Bible, but be prepared to hear about how we believe God designed us to live in a marriage relationship.

This is a marriage retreat only--not an intensive marriage seminar, so please do not sign up if you and your spouse are in a situation involving domestic violence, addiction, or other serious relational issues. If any of these situations fits you, please contact me (phone and email info below), and I will do what I can to assist you with finding a more intensive program with highly trained practitioners who are able to provide the extra help you need.

Obviously, we will AAR the event, proof the concept, and determine the size and scope of future events. Please contact me ASAP at the contact info below if you are interested in attending the 1st TRF Marriage Retreat with your spouse- as I said, space is limited.



May 29

Virtual Ranger Mentor Meet Up

June 5

2/75 Change of Command